TOTFEST 3 Pictures
September 19, 2014
Well last weekend the Casserollers hosted TOTFEST, our annual moped rally. We were lucky and had some great weather and an overall good time. It’s a little different from most rallies since we start on Saturday and end on a Monday. This is due to the racetrack that we rent out not being available on the weekend.
We had some great city rides, a great raffle, totchos and some fun on the track. I’m really happy this little rally we throw has continued to grow over the years. I’ve got some video I’ll be putting together later, but for now here’s some pics.
- Lotsa Food
- Meetup at Ben’s
- Raffle Bike
- Clubhouse Jager
- Clubhouse Jager
- Clubhouse Jager
- Amsterdam Brunch
- Amsterdam Brunch
- Amsterdam Brunch
- Amsterdam Brunch
- Raffle
- Ben
- Tyler B with a massive amount of tickets
- Raffle
- Maize on the roof
- Let’s make bad decisions
- Kitties
- Adam winner of the raffle bike
- Tyler and his water powered moped
- Nick and Walter
- The Track
- The Track
- The Track
- South Dakota Crew
- The Track
- Jimbo
- Non-Variated Race
- Non-Variated Race
- Non-Variated Race
- Tyler R’s Moped
- Ed’s Moped
- Stock Race Winners
- Non Variated Winners
- Variated Winners
- Dubs Winners
- Girls Race Winners
- Open Class Winners
- My Bikes
- My Tomos A3 earned me the slowest moped award!