April 27, 2012
My wife and I recently had triplets so I’m officially on hiatus from repairing and servicing mopeds, I was doing it mainly out of the pure enjoyment I get from wrenching on them, but now with the kids I need to adjust my priorities. I won’t leave you hanging though. My friend Tyler and fellow Casseroller would…
November 15, 2011
So three weeks ago my wife and I had triplets. All boys Oscar, Mylo and Victor. I’ve already got 3 mopeds earmarked for them, but murphy’s law, they probably won’t be into any of the same stuff as me. We’ll see! My dad being the weird dude he is upon hearing news of their birth…
May 26, 2011
I stumpled across this short video over on the Knucklebuster blog. Here’s a little synopsis from the vimeo page. Metal-fabricator Neil Youngberg never planned on taking over his grandfather’s business and is now faced with passing on his legacy. Very interesting story and very well done. It’s depressing that guys like this are a dying…