Honda C90 through the Arctic Circle

January 5, 2015

I stumped across this video today. Makes me feel like a huge puss for not riding in the winter, this should help me at least work up the courage to take my trail around the block.


No More Smoking Trail!

October 13, 2014

The trail was up and running, but smoking A LOT.  If I revved it up in my garage with the doors shut I wouldn’t be able to see anything around me within a few minutes and would be in danger of asphyxiation. When I’d drive it down the block and back from overhead I assume it…


Honda Trail First Start

October 1, 2014

The Honda is alive, it’s burning a little oil at the moment and I still need to wire up the electrical, but it’s running. Revs and idles like a kitty, a stinky kitty.